The furnace is by far the most important element of any HVAC systemand consumes the largest amount of space. It’s typically located in a basement as it is considered the central element. The function of a furnace is to transfer air from the heat exchanger, and then into respective air ducts. In some instances, the furnace can be thought to be a boiler however boilers fall under a different category of HVAC systems.
Heat Exchanger
The heat exchanger may be located in the interior of one, however that does not necessarily mean it’s a component of it. Its main purpose is to supply heat to the air coming from the furnace.
Evaporator oil
It can also be located within the furnace. It is able to absorb heat whenever air is passed over it. It then uses a refrigerant to cool the air and allows cold air to blow out of the air ducts and cool your home.
Each HVAC system contains different components that perform various tasks. Every component depends on the others to operate correctly and efficiently.