If you’ve recently purchased a car or even gotten your license, you’ll want to make sure to invest in car insurance right away. When searching for auto insurance, it’s important to make sure you get an accurate insurance quote. To do so, you’ll want to make sure to provide your insurance company with up to…
Category: Uncategorized
What is a Catalytic Converter?
A catalytic converter is a vehicle emissions control device that reduces toxic pollutants emitted from an internal muffler. Like the name says, it contains catalysts, such as platinum, that help to convert harmful gases like carbon monoxide into less harmful substances like carbon dioxide. Catalytic converters can be targets for theft due to the valuable…
Choosing the Best Shop for Your AC Repair
You may be surprised to learn that air conditioning has been around for a long time. AC units made their first appearance in cars back in 1933. Having a car with AC quickly went from being a luxury to a convenience to a presumed feature. Nowadays if a car advertisement claims that it has AC,…